Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Weigh in Wednesday!!

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It's Here!!!
It's Weigh In Wednesday.
Can't say that I'm looking forward to doing this...even though I dominated Monday...Tuesday came in and tore me a new one!! I only had a 30 min workout scheduled...did I do it?? NO:(

I don't know WHAT happened to me yesterday...everything started off normal...I even went to bed early the night before! 
For breakie yesterday I had oatmeal, half a peach and 1tbsp of walnuts (ymmy btw!)
I tried to be creative with my shake for snack (didn't turn out the greatest...but I drank most of it)
...then I made popcorn for a snack for the kids....and that's the last thing I remember!!
no previewI have stopped buying the pre-packaged popcorn (you know what I mean) because of all the chemicals that are in just doesn't taste "real" to me.
So I use Epicures small silicone steamerno previewand it works awesome! I put about 1/4c to 1/2c of kernels into it and put it in the microwave for about 2 mins....healthy right??
Well...I have also stopped buying "margarine" for the same reason...we have switched back to tried and true butter (which gets used in SMALLER amounts) I usually melt about  1tbsp of butter (measure out cold tbsp before melting) for the made enough for all the kiddies I had yesterday to have a small snack bowl full PLUS let ME have some...because I used my Fat Fighter yesterday...just thought I'd see how I felt after using it...that's for another post (it's a good MS says) cut to the eating wasn't that great yesterday...but it wasn't that bad was more missing the workout that was the problem....I kept finding other things to do. That's my hump I have to get over, or beat down with a stick. are my numbers!!
Chest: 42.5 (DOWN 1.5)
Waist 1. 40 (DOWN 1.5)
          2. 41.5(DOWN 3!!)
          3. 43 (this one wasn't in my original my original measurement I used my hip area, which wasn't the right spot!)
Hips: 46 (same)
R Leg: 22 (DOWN 1.5)
L Leg: 22(DOWN 2)
R arm: 12 (same)
L arm: 13 (same)
R calf: 17 (same)
L calf 17 (same)

total measurements (not including the #3 in the waist measurement b/c it's not in my original one): 273 that means I have LOST 10.5 inches already!!! (and 6 inches are lost due to the It Works wrap and supplements that I've been using!!)

the big drum roll for weight.............................201.8!!! DOWN 3.2 lbs since last weighing myself on July 5th!! wonder if I had worked out yesterday and eaten better, if I would have been down a bit more??!! Ugh...well, if that's not motivation...I don't know what is!

The great thing about doesn't feel like I'm doing anything different (other then squeezing in the workouts...which, if I really stick to my schedule, IS a no-brainer! ) seeing these numbers has re-lit my fire...look out Wednesday...there's an extra workout coming your way!! On schedule for today for workout: Core 20, Fire 30, Stretch 10...AND I have a client coming for a wrap(yipee!! I am so excited!!) there are NO excuses as to why I can't get this workout DONE this morning!!

Are you weighing/measuring yourself? Are you seeing results? Does that keep you going?

happy health!

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