Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Happy New Year!! (yes...I know it's March!) you can see my last post was December 2012....and it is now March 6th 2013.

Where have I been??
...I have was sucked back into the "lazy, non-exercise, non-healthy lifestyle"...and I feel like JUNK.(also add in there a few bouts with being sick and such....ya not in a good way)

BUT...where am I now!?
...back on track, taking it one day at a workout at a good clean meal at a time...
...and I'm not going to let one bad meal ruin my path to health and wellness.

I have taken these past few weeks...gone thru my Pinterest pages and written down ideas, meals, recipes, snack ideas and for workouts I've gone back to the roots, where I know I'll get quick results...Turbo Fire.
IF you FAIL to PLAN to FAIL!
and with that being said...I'm going back to my "plan" that gave me the BEST results....
5:45am workout
ugh...but at the same time it's nice...I have such a busy day as soon as 7am hits that I don't have any "time" to workout...and I don't really feel like doing it at 7pm at, seeing how I'm UP at 5am...

just finished a Fire 30 and Stretch 10....I feel week is going to be the hardest hurdle to of the side effects of starting a workout is feeling the muscles....they are achy (but in a GOOD way...because of exercise and activity....not because they are suffocating under a thick layer of fat)

Also...earlier on in the year I was able to have an opportunity to become a part of a weight loss I had to do some soul searching for a bit. Part of the outline of the contract (it was for a year, following people struggling and succeeding to lose weight) was that I wasn't able to discuss my weight loss on ANY social media...and that included my blog.
And I had just started my blog...and quite enjoyed it to be honest. (and I am very humbled about the number of people that read my ramblings...thank you.)

Needless to say.....I declined the documentary....why? Because THIS is what kept me accountable in the past...and will in the present....and will for the future. This is my journal....and while, normally my journals of the past included a lock and key...I want to share my ups and downs with in that I would hope to start seeing more UPS versus downs....more success and capture the holy grail of health and the point where it is natural...

Here's to getting UP and starting again...

~happy health~

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