Saturday, July 7, 2012

Today was a long (and 80%) healthy day

So...Saturday has come and gone...and I have survived!no preview

Here is a recap of my day:
~ my little one (God bless his soul) decided to wake UP during my 9pm workout on Friday night!! (so I only got 28 mins of a 45 min Fire 45 completed...but at least it better then not doing it at all!)...then he decided to have a second helping of din din (his was bologne slices and cold noodles with of his signature meals) and be UP until around needless to say...I was t.i.r.e.d....BUT I made a conscious decision that I was going to be healthy (for most part of the's the old 80-20 rule I tend to put into effect every now and then...except NOW the 80 is the "good" stuff and the 20 is the "not so good"...believe it or not, it used to be the other way around;)
 For breakie I had a shake...shakeology, banana, peanut butter and almond milk
snack...almonds and 2 clementines
lunch chicken (left over from last night) and green salad (from my jar!!)..these are the jars that I did the other day...iceberg lettuce, carrots, red cabbage, green pepper, broccoli, cauliflower, scallions

..I was pumped for my wrap party in the afternoon!! After taking my older child to soccer and then a birthday party I sat and waited for my It Works Rep to came and I went down a few 45 mins!! I had a great time learning how a wrap party goes and how she uses, explains the products....

LOVE the demos that can be done....for example...I took my husbands "equate" multivitamin and put it in a glass of water, and also had an It's Vital one in a glass of water...after 30mins the It Works multi was completely broken apart and was absorbed into the water (turning the water a different colour)...the equate brand was still in pill form (though broken down by the water) but NOT absorbed into the water...meaning the colour was still a "clear"....a quick science lesson for those that don't know...your body is made up of over 75% your cells would be absorbing all the It Works ingredients and NONE of the generic for thought. Discuss....(I really wish I took a picture of that!)

Dinner I allowed myself to have a hamburger bun with my burger (we went quite late with my party, just chatting after and needed to whip something up quick..)...I use the PC thin buns (whole grain) and had more salad with it....I also scarfed down a few (ok....4) chocolate covered granola bars.....little tasty bits of evil;)
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but now, the effects of only having 4 hours of sleep are starting to take their effect...(as proven by that statement) and I haven't done my workout yet (Stretch 40..) so I plan on being well rested tonight (my hubby can deal with the small kid tonight) and do my workout tomorrow.....but for some reason I feel like I have plans set for tomorrow.....don't you hate when you think you are forgetting something!!??

Happy Health!

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