Thursday, July 5, 2012

It's been a while...oops (story of my life!!)

Ok, this is a TERRIBLE way to start a blog, I know!!
It's been almost 4 weeks since I first posted...yikes! Where did that time go....oh, I went to cravings, eating not so good food for me, and ZERO exercise! (though for the most part, I have made a more conscious effort to make better choices when it comes to food)...and recently we just got back from camping (with minimal binges I must say;) I weighed myself...205...not bad...didn't lose much but didn't gain much either...phew!
I have since sat down and put my thoughts and goals on PAPER...that way I think they are more real, don't you?

So, I have completely mapped out my workout schedule (btw I'm using TurboFire from Beachbody)...I've missed a few days...BUT I have also made myself accountable for creating a Workout Jar, where I put $1.00 IN for every workout far, only $2 sits in this big jar, especially since I just did a workout this morning (tone 30) and the last time I put $$ in was on Tuesday....but I guess it's better then having NOTHING in the jar!

I get up early in the mornings (between 5am and 5:30am) to make my husbands lunch...why?? (you may ask)...because if I don't...he'll end up spending $50/week on lunches (AND crappy lunches at that!)
I make him a shake (blueberries, mango, orange juice and almond milk to be exact...he has no clue except it tastes good and it has decreased his coffee consumption by a large Timmy's)...I put a salad (with either cooked chicken breast or ham) dressing, fruit, veggies and a granola bar, along with a large water and now because of the heat a Gatorade (he's a fabricator so he's in a hot factory all day)

...also I get up early because it's my quiet time...for the most part..I have a 4 yr old that would like to get up early/stay up late. Depending on what sort of mood I'm in, I'll either workout, clean or sit on the computer (Pinterest to be exact) I run a daycare out of my home during the day...I'm also an aesthetician and have a little home spa ( I definitely need my quiet time!!

Don't get me wrong...getting up early isn't the easiest thing to do...I hit the snooze button at least once..but once I get going I sort of enjoy the early start...and most nights, I'm in bed by 10pm (11 the latest...)

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