Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Phew! How do you find time to workout?

I totally did just have the world's best cardio class.....and kicked 45 minutes in the A$$!!
 I can't believe that I actually DID the whole 45 mins.....usually at the 30 min mark I think "oh, that's ok...I've done enough cardio...I have a good sweat on, I can stop now"...but not this time...thank goodness...I forget sometimes how GOOD it feels to be FIT and have a great workout!! No complaints here.

PS...anytime anyone in Lucan wishes to join me...I tend to "push play" (as the instructor says) around 6am most mornings...feel free to join;)

Slowly but surely I'm beating my "mind over matter" issues that usually hound me....I'm a frequent stopper and then starter...mostly because my days tend to be quite hectic and the LAST thing I felt like doing at the end of the day (10pm) is workout!

I think I've posted about it in one of my earlier ones, but for those that are just starting to read this, or haven't gone back to read the past posts....I have "added" 2 extra hours to my day...and it'a amazing!

Quick Backstory: I am a SAHWM with 2 boys and a husband. I run 2 businesses out of my home so I'm usually "working" anywhere from 7am to 10pm (long, long days...but with big breaks in between sometimes).

At first I used to make my husbands lunch at night (yes, I do else is he going to eat without spending a ridiculous amount of $$ every week!)  and hope that he would remember to grab it from the fridge (it was 50/50)....those lunches I made weren't very good...white bread or buns with highly processed meats, cookies, chips, pop and pepperoni sticks....wonder why he never had much energy at the end of the day....duh!
I had been "trying" for a while to lose weight, eat better and get back into shape...sort of hard when 3 nights a week the "fam" was eating pizza (frozen..not take out and because it was a quick meal) and the smells were just chasing me through the house...they usually caught up with me and I would scarf down anything that was left.

Then, I had my "aha" Oprah moment....why can't we ALL eat healthy and leave the "junk" food for special occasions/holidays I decided to change my grocery shopping habits...went to bed earlier (because really..I can watch the repeat news in the morning...) and got up earlier. The first morning I did that....I was amazed that I didn't think of it husband had left for was 5:45am...I was awake...the house was kids were asleep...and daycare kids didn't start showing until 7:45am....I actually FOUND 2 hours for myself!! I could do whatever I on the computer...start laundry....workout....anything!
Now, truth be told, some mornings I DO go back to bed.....I just listen to my body and do what it needs...but those mornings I still make sure I get my workout in at some point in the morning....I've tried to put it off until the afternoon/evening, and I usually find some sort of reason NOT to workout (thanks Bachelor/Bachelorette and Big Brother and so on...)

Luckily my children haven't noticed any sort of change...they were good eaters anyhow....they both love and will eat fruit and veggies (my youngest usually steals half of my salad)...their meat of choice right now is ham, but the small one will eat chicken too.

So in the really hasn't been much of a change (except for the hubby, who would eat crap food every night if I would let him....but on the other hand he doesn't smoke any more, so I let him have his treats....just not everyday...once a week, or when he's really craving something)....and when I think you are trying to improve your quality of life with food and shouldn't be a should be something that feels right and fits right into your matter HOW hectic. But...the biggest how my grocery bill had decreased. Honestly. It has.  I'm using the foods I purchase each week more wisely and using ALL the food before it spoils. I now imagine a price tag attached to every piece of grocery item (fresh and packaged) and it just makes sense to USE it before it goes bad...or else I'm just throwing that money away....It does mean that usually I need to grocery shop every week....but if I want to keep on eating fresh foods...shouldn't I be shopping every week? Instead of getting what I think would last us 2 weeks, I get only what will last us 1 week...and we eat it...ALL. No waste....and I only buy what's in season, so it's also inexpensive, unless I can get it frozen, then I use the store flyers. To me...that's the KISS method at it's best...

how do you find time to workout and eat right?

happy health

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome Jenny!!! I'm so happy you have found a groove and it's benefiting the entire family!!

    p.s. I did Fire 45 EZ this morning! : ))
