Monday, August 6, 2012

What the heck happened....

last week was such a blur!!
Not only did I NOT get any workouts completed...I ate like crazy!! And not in a good way:(

I have no idea what happened....and now I find myself face to face with Monday......and what did I do???

I got UP and did a WORKOUT!!!
This is me after a Fire 30 workout (but to be completely honest...I did 21 minutes of it  with the 10 minute stretch after....I find when I start "slow" works better)

This week is going to be a hard one...we are away camping for 5 plan is to take Turbo Fire with me and get up early to do the exercises (using the portable DVD player in the truck...won't that be interesting...luckily our camp-site is quite secluded so not too many people will see me.)

I've had a lot of great people reach out to me in the course of this blog...sorry if I'm letting everyone down:((...but I never really thought about it before..but I think I could be addicted to sugar!!?? So, with that being said, I'm going to start looking into how much sugar I EAT and how much I should only eat and what foods to if anyone has any advice (recipes, foods etc..) I'm all ears!!

Hope everyone has a great Civic Holiday today...I feel good now that my workout is done! Now just to make the rest of the day just as good!

happy health

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