Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Making Myself Accountable!!!

It's so easy to sit and plan an exercise and healthy eating routine....the HARD part is following what has been laid out!
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I have had a terrible case of the "tomorrow's"....(as in "oh, I can get that workout squeezed in tomorrow...I can eat better tomorrow"...and so on!)'s now Wednesday (yikes...guess I need to weigh in...oh crap! I already had breakfast...I like to weigh myself first thing in the morning before any food consumption)....and I have YET do get a workout in:(...but that was completely my fault...I didn't get to bed until after 11pm Sunday or Monday and even last night was 11pm when I got to bed...and getting up at 5am with little sleep doesn't help in the cravings and wanting to complete and exercise department!!

Today my house will be child-less for the next 5 days(well, my children anyhow)....whoo hoo...with a side of sad. They are going on vacation to Gramma and Poppas for the rest of the week and I am going to use this time as motivation to KICK it in HIGH gear!! The biggest problem with working out at home....being interrupted...grrrr, nothing bothers me more then getting the kids all settled and then get 5 mins into my workout DVD, to hear "mom...I need you" (that's the little one....the older one tends to take care of himself for the most part)...and of course he won't let up until I see what he needs me for....which is usually a hug and an "i lub you mum" (melts my heart...then the next thing I know I've been cuddling with the mini-monster for 20 mins and all my drive to workout has fizzled....)

But truthfully I have been slacking in ALL departments....for some reason I want to eat more and more when I'm not having my "monthly visit" then when I do have it....and when I have my "visit" I want to workout like crazy, but not after.....I'm finding I get more headaches after then during...and my cravings are completely out of control....just wish it was the other way around (then that would be my 80/20 split!) goals for the rest of this week...get plenty of SLEEP...would like 8 hours but will settle for 7, keep track of my day, DO my workouts (which I have re-scheduled the missed is Fire 45 and Tone 30) and make wise food choices....I already have chicken in the fridge waiting to be BBQ'd for lunch and then left over for dinner....done and done.

later today...after the kids have gone...I am REALLY going to make myself accountable....taking the dreaded bathing suit picture.....not the suit I reluctantly wear now (because my small child feels he doesn't need a life jacket or puddle jumper...I'm his PFD) but the suit that I would "like" to get back's such a cute pink bikini (yikes.) that I got from Esprit (remember that clothing line? love..can it even be FOUND in Canada anymore?)...and I would LOVE to wear it some point...before 40...and maybe a bit after...who knows....ugh....just haven't decided if I'm ready to "post a pic", especially THAT one....maybe I should take it and then put it on my phone as my screen saver as a reminder to myself...(that is so cruel, but necessary I think) back to putting down what I've eaten...feel free to follow me on MyFitnessPal where I will be putting all of my meals and exercise... I have put in my breakfast and what exercise I WILL DO today!!

happy health!

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