Sunday, January 18, 2015

OCD with my weight loss?

I don't know if anyone is like me.....but I'm fantastic at planning the perfect, no fail outline for working out and eating so that I can lose weight, and feel better.....but I always seem to fail.

A few years ago I completely took meat out my diet, I felt like I needed to...I was constantly run down, and every month I was sick (cold sores and a very high temp for about 2 days) body was definitely telling me something. I felt cravings, high energy, the monthly sickness was gone....I could literally feel every single cell in my body thanking me for giving it real, raw (for the most part) food. everything else for some reason, I toss it to the side, opting for the "easy" meals ( hot dogs anyone?) that I was throwing at my family. I knew better. I know I knew better....but I didn't do anything about it......until now.

Now....I'm not going to let one wrong choice or moment of weakness derail my plan and focus for a healthy and happy future.
Now....I'm going back to the basics....real food...minimal meat (or at least real, farm grown meat...not the overly, cheap water-filled meats that you can get at any box store/grocery...should those stores even be called a grocery store.......?)'s time to take care of myself.....and the rest should take care of itself.

I'm sort of OCD in a way...if it doesn't go exactly to plan, or how I've written it down...then it's, that's why I'm not going to focus so much on my food journal (which I know...people tend to be more successful with food journals, being accountable...blah blah) as much as I will be focusing on my workout journal. I don't like to deprive myself of will just come down to making better choices, having those foods in my house, and even making better meal options for my family.
In the end, I think we'll all win! Know...I know it will be a cold day in hell to think I can get my husband to workout/exercise....but I can get the littles to do it! My youngest already likes to workout with me (when I would workout, in the past.....) and my oldest needs to get a bit more activity going on.....beyond Minecraft....

What started this ball rolling all over again?? It was this fancy gadget...a spiralizer I purchased over Christmas.....used it last night to make zucchini "noodles".....yum.
So needless to say...this morning I woke up feeling great (instead of groggy from a heavy and fat filled dinner) and ready to take on the day!

Stick around to see how things turn out...every week I'll be recapping my week...from food, to mood and exercise and even my starting weight....I'm going to be {over}weight no more!!

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